Team MIST ‘UVC-PURGE’ wins championship in Medical Robotics Challenge for Contagious Disease 2020
First-ever in Bangladesh, students of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) have developed a semi-autonomous UVC disinfection robot named ‘UVC-PURGE’ in an effort to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Team MIST participated in the Medical Robotics Challenge for Contagious Disease 2020 organized by UK Robotics & Autonomous Systems (UK-RAS) Network. Six prizes were promised to be awarded in Application, Design and Innovation category. Among all the finalists, Team MIST raised the Flag of Bangladesh securing the Championship in Application category. The other two Champion teams are John's Hopkins University (USA) in Innovation and Leeds University (UK) in Design category. As a sign of recognition Team MIST ‘UVC-PURGE’ received £5,000 GBP as a Prize-Money and grant for their research. The Judging panel was from John's Hopkins University (USA), Imperial College London (UK), Intuitive Surgical (USA) and KUKA Deutschland GmbH (Germany).