Blog | Department of Environmental, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (EWCE)

MIST Environmental Club

MIST Environmental Club

MIST Environmental Club, conducted by the students of EWCE department, is a voluntary group who work towards the conservation and sustainability of environment.

The University Environment Club is committed to creating a greener campus and promoting sustainable living among students and staff members. Some of the activities and initiatives that the club has undertaken include:

  1. Campus Clean-Up Events: The club organizes regular clean-up events around the campus to ensure that the environment is free from litter and other pollutants.

  2. Sustainability Campaigns: The club runs various sustainability campaigns throughout the year to promote environmentally-friendly practices among students and staff members. Some of the campaigns include "Switch Off Week," which encourages individuals to turn off all non-essential lights and appliances for a week, and "Meatless Monday," which encourages individuals to go vegetarian for one day a week.The  club celebrates World Environment Day every year on 5 June.

  3. Educational Workshops: The club hosts workshops and talks on various environmental issues to raise awareness among students and staff members. Topics covered include climate change, sustainable living, and waste reduction.The club promotes creative and critical thinking through organizing different workshops such as ‘Workshop on Climate Change- 2017’, ‘Workshop on Municipal Waste Management: A Case Study on Chattogram City Corporation’. ‘EWCE Day 2019’, comprising of different segments like quiz, poster presentation, project showcasing etc., was also arranged by the club.

  4. Garden and Greenery Projects: The club also works on projects to increase greenery around the campus, such as planting trees and maintaining gardens.

Why Join the University Environment Club?

Joining the University Environment Club is an excellent way to get involved in environmental activism and make a positive impact on the environment. By becoming a member, you can learn more about environmental issues, participate in fun and engaging activities, and meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for sustainability.

Moreover, being a part of the club can also help you develop valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, and communication, which can be useful in your future career.

In conclusion, the University Environment Club is an excellent organization for students and staff members who are passionate about creating a greener campus and promoting sustainable living. By joining the club, you can make a positive impact on the environment and develop valuable skills that will serve you well in the future.